Terms and Conditions

  • General Platform Terms

    • These Terms set out the terms and conditions on which Riterz provides its marketing services, services, and makes the Riterz Advertisement Platform (Platform) available to the Customer based on the selected user role.

  • Platform

    • Riterz makes the Platform available as web-based SaaS Service for access and use, provides basic support services, as defined in Section ‎7 (Support Services), provides procurement and matching services, and as the case may be additional Support Services to Customer during the Term within the scope of the selected role and as stated in a service Documentation or on the website.

    • Through the Platform Riterz brings together Sponsor of companies and Organisation, both of which are registered on the Platform as Customers of Riterz. The Platform enables to facilitate Marketing Campaigns, whereas, an Sponsor can book one or more Marketing Campaign(s) with Organization, to utilize Organizations reach on their own network and on different third party advertisement platforms to advertise their product and services. The Organisation is free to decide whether to accept or reject a request for a Marketing Campaign.

    • On the Platform, a Customer may register as a Sponsor or Organisation. During the registration process, the applicable role shall be selected by the Customer.

    • Riterz makes available the current version of the Platform for access and use as a self-service web application accessible through the Website based on the chosen subscription. Access and use of the Platform require Customer’s prior onboarding and acceptance of these Terms.

    • The information provided on the Website further specifies the purposes and intended use of the Platform.

    • Customer agrees that Riterz may modify or withdraw the Platform and/or the service Documentation (or any part thereof) at any time. Modifications of the Platform will replace previous versions of the Platform.

    • Riterz may engage subcontractors such as web and application hosting providers or other third parties to provide Platform or any part thereof. Riterz shall be responsible for their performance, subject to these Terms.

  • Customer’s Right of Use

    • Riterz grants Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to access and use of the Platform for Customer’s own business purposes in accordance with the purposes and intended use of the Platform, and strictly in compliance with these Terms (Right of Use).

    • At any time, the Right of Use relates to Customer’s access to and use of the most current version of the Platform made available to Customer on the Website.

    • Riterz provides to Customer one or several administration accounts for the Platform, which Customer can assign to specific users, who then can add and authorize further users. The roles and authorization model available in the Platform is specified in the service Documentation.  

    • Individual users are free to change/create a unique password and username according to the instructions displayed on the Platform.

    • Customer acknowledges and agrees that the continuing administration of its users’ access rights remains in the full responsibility of Customer. Customer and its users are required to carefully handle, protect and not disclose access credentials to unauthorized third parties.  

    • Customer is aware that by authorizing users to access the Platform and exercise their particular authorizations provided to them, users may have the authority to, via the Platform, issue legally binding quotations and/or enter into legally binding contracts that also activate Riterz right to claim a sales commission as per these Terms.

    • Customer grants Riterz and other Customers a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to use Customer Content to provide its Services, in particular the booked Marketing Campaigns.

    • Customer grants Riterz and other Customers a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to use Customer Content to provide its Services, in particular the booked Marketing Campaigns.

  • Use Restrictions and Conduct

    • Customer shall use and shall urge its authorized users to use the Platform only in accordance with these Terms and the applicable laws, including but not limited to anti-bribery and export laws and regulations. In particular, without limitation, the Customer shall not:

      • permit any third parties to rent, lease, lend, resell, or transfer of the Platform or any part thereof;

      • modify or create derivative works based on of the Platform;

      • disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer of the Platform;

      • work around technical limitations of the Platform or security measures incorporated therein;  

      • defame, abuse, harass, use threatening practices, threaten, infringe or violate the legal rights of others in any other way, including but not limited to privacy, personal, publicity, intellectual property rights, or applicable competition laws;

      • create, publish, or submit any content that is unlawful, obscene, illegitimate, defamatory or inappropriate, infringes on intellectual property rights, or violates the terms of third-party advertisement platforms or;

      • use brand names or trademarks of any kind or which Customer have no right of use;

      • promote any other Platform, product, brand or commercial service that might compete with Riterz, including any reference contained in the username;

      • impersonate other individuals or create fake accounts; or

      • use the Platform in any other improper way that violates these Terms or does cause other damage to the Platform and/or the infrastructure on which the Platform is operated.

    • Riterz may add additional terms or create an additional acceptable use policy with regard to the proper use of the Platform and the expected netiquette, if it deems so reasonably required.

    • Riterz shall be entitled to take all reasonable measures in order to prevent, monitor, prosecute and address any non-acceptable or potentially harmful use of the Platform, it being understood though that Riterz does not have a general duty to monitor and assess the use of the Platform. Riterz shall be entitled to suspend Customer’s access.  

  • Copyright and other IP Rights

    • All copyright, trademarks, nominal or figurative, and all other marks, trade names, service marks, word marks, illustrations, images, or logos and any other intellectual property rights relating to Platform and to Riterz’s business in general are, and remain, the exclusive property of Riterz or its licensors and are protected by the relevant intellectual property laws in force and by related international treaties. These Terms does not transfer any intellectual property rights from Riterz to the Customer. 

    • Riterz warrants that it has the right to grant the Right of Use granted in these Terms and that Customer shall have the right to access and use the Application in accordance with these Terms. In the event of a breach of this warranty, Riterz’ sole obligation shall be, at Riterz’ choice, (i) to procure additional rights to grant the Right of Use to Customer, or (ii) to replace or modify the part of the Application that causes the breach. If neither of the foregoing is a suitable means to allow Customer to continue to access and use Application, Riterz may withdraw Platform immediately.

    • All copyright, trademarks, nominal or figurative, and all other marks, trade names, service marks, word marks, illustrations, images, or logos and any other intellectual property rights relating to an Customer Content or to Costumer’s business in general are, and remain, the exclusive property of Costumer or its licensors and are protected by the relevant intellectual property laws in force and by related international treaties. These Terms does not transfer any intellectual property rights from Customer to the Riterz, or another Customer, unless explicitly agreed.

  • Marketing Campaign(s)

    • Sponsors may submit requests to Organisations for the execution of Marketing Campaign(s). If an Organisation accepts a proposal for a Marketing campaign, Riterz will execute it for the Customers via the Platform.  

    • Riterz shall undertake the execution of the Marketing Campaign for the Customers by leveraging the Platform, wherein such execution shall occur automatically where the requisite functionality is available. In instances where the technology does not sufficiently support full automation, Riterz will carry out the necessary tasks manually.

    • All copyright, trademarks, nominal or figurative, and all other marks, trade names, service marks, word marks, illustrations, images, or logos and any other intellectual property rights relating to an Customer Content or to Costumer’s business in general are, and remain, the exclusive property of Costumer or its licensors and are protected by the relevant intellectual property laws in force and by related international treaties. These Terms does not transfer any intellectual property rights from Customer to the Riterz, or another Customer, unless explicitly agreed.

  • Support Services

    • As a standardized Platform solution, Riterz constantly monitors software operation and eliminates software errors to the extent technically possible.

    • An error is especially considered to exist whenever the Platform is unavailable, or use of the Platform is considerably impaired. Maintenance includes correction of errors on a best-effort basis as well as adapting and upgrading the Platform (new releases). Customer shall describe the error as accurately as possible. Where Riterz does not receive a sufficient Documentation of the error and – where applicable – its reproducibility, Riterz shall point out to Customer the deficiencies of the Documentation and shall engage with Customer in order to eliminate any deficiencies of such Documentation.  

    • Riterz will respond to Customer support questions and respond to error reports (by e-mail via info@riterz.com) as soon as possible after receipt of the relevant question or report during the business hours (Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm CET, excluding public holidays at Riterz’ registered office).  

    • Besides the provided user guide on the Platform, Riterz will not provide any first-level  support or technical support to Customers.

    • Based on the selected role, Riterz provides Customers with an initial onboarding, additional onboarding of Customer’s employees or third parties, initial training, and an online documentation.  

    • [Further Platform support or additional Consulting Services, as defined in Section X (Consulting Services) will be provided by Riterz based on the selected Subscription Model, by special by arrangement, and based on Riterz’s current rate card.]

    • Unless explicitly stated in the selected role, Support Services in the context of the execution of a Marketing Campaign or quotation drafting on the Platform shall not be part of the Support Services under Section ‎E. [The Customer shall be free to request additional Consulting Services.]

    • If a failure reported by Customer was caused by misuse of the Platform, use of the Platform not in accordance with its intended purpose, non-compliance with operating instructions, or by third-party hardware or software used by Customer, Riterz is entitled to charge Customer at its current rates for the time and effort incurred with the analysis and processing of Customer’s according support request.  

  • Organisation Obligation

    • Customer must:  

      • provide to Riterz all assistance, information, access and co-operation that Riterz reasonably requires to provide the Services;  

      • be available during normal business hours for discussions with Riterz concerning matters arising under this Terms;  

      • be responsible for the accuracy, appropriateness, integrity and legality of any Client Content provided to Riterz;  

      • use and access the Services only in accordance with applicable laws, including but not limited to domestic and international export control laws;  

      • be solely responsible for determining the suitability of the Services for Customer’s business; and comply with the terms of any Third Party Agreement as notified to it by Riterz from time-to-time.  

    • Customer’s obligations under this Section are in addition to any other specific obligations of Customer under this Terms.  

    • Riterz is not liable for any delays in providing the Services, and no refund of the charges will be provided, where any delays are contributed to or caused by Customer’s failure to comply with its obligation under this Terms or an Order Form.

  • Share of the turnover

    • Riterz shall receive a percent share (defined in the pricing plan on the Riterz website) above a defined threshold of the turnover from the Customer (Organisation) for facilitation and execution of the booked Marketing Campaigns through the Platform.  

    • The percent share of the turnover payment shall become due with the acceptance and start of a campaign.  

    • The commission is due irrespective of whether the involved Customers are still registered on the Platform at the time of the due date.

  • Payment Terms

    • Riterz will invoice its subscription fee monthly and in advance based on the chosen plan on the anniversary date of the subscription.

    • Riterz will invoice any other costs to the customer for additional services, where those servcices were requested and agreed to by the customer. If Customer fails to pay any amount invoiced and not subject to a good faith dispute within that period, Riterz will notify Customer in writing and set a short deadline for payment. Customer shall be considered in default upon receipt of such late payment notice.  

    • If Customer disagrees with any invoice submitted by Riterz or any portion thereof, Customer will immediately notify Riterz accordingly in writing.

    • In case an undisputed amount of the commissions charged remains unpaid, Riterz shall be entitled to charge Customer late payment interests at eight (8%) per annum, calculated as from the date Customer is in payment default.

    • Customer is not entitled to set off the obligation to pay Riterz against counterclaims.

    • If Customer is in payment default and fails to pay any open and undisputed amounts despite receiving a formal notice, the contractual relationship may be terminated by Riterz with immediate effect or Riterz may block Customer’s access to the Platform until the outstanding amount is paid in full.

    • All prices mentioned in connection with Riterz’ services are exclusive of taxes (if any), specifically VAT, which shall be added to such prices (if applicable). Each party shall bear their own taxes.

  • Third Party Services/ websites

    • The provision of the Services may rely on websites operated by third parties (Third Party Sites) which are not under the control of Riterz. Riterz is not responsible for the availability, accuracy, legality or decency of material or copyright compliance of the Third Party Sites.  

    • Customer  link to any Third Party Sites entirely at their own risk and Riterz is not liable or responsible for any advertising, products or materials on or available from the Third Party Sites.  

    • Riterz is not responsible or liable in any way for any loss or damage Customer or its customers incur or allege to have incurred, either directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and/or reliance upon a Third Party Site.

  • Data Protection

    • Customer and Riterz shall be individually and separately responsible for complying with data protection laws that apply to their respective processing of personal data in connection with the use of the Platform.

    • If acting in the capacity of a data controller, Riterz will process personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws, based on Riterz’ privacy notice and for the purposes mentioned in Riterz’ privacy notice.  

    • Organisation shall be responsible to inform their members or other potentially affected data subjects in a compliant manner (e.g., Privacy Notice) that they will participate in third party Marketing Campaigns, and might see or receive advertisements or marketing material from third parties as described in the Documentation.  

    • Customer shall inform its employees, who will be authorized to use the Platform on behalf of Customer, that Riterz processes their personal data in the context of the creation of an account and the use of the Platform as further described in Riterz’ privacy notice.

    • While providing its services, Riterz may be requested to process some personal data on behalf of and for the purposes of the customer. In this event, the provisions of a separately provided the Data Processing Agreement (DPA),  shall apply to such data processing.

  • Confidentiality

    • Each Party shall keep Confidential Information of the disclosing Party in strict confidentiality and shall safeguard such Confidential Information from unauthorized disclosure, reproduction or use no less rigorously than the stricter of the standards that would apply to its own Confidential Information of similar nature and the standards required by applicable law and regulatory requirements. “Confidential Information” for the purpose of this clause means all information, documents, records and/or data which the disclosing Party at the time of disclosure has designated to be confidential or which, given its nature and circumstances of disclosure, ought to reasonably be considered confidential. Information is not considered Confidential Information in the event the information in question (a) is approved for public release by written agreement of the discloser; (b) is already rightfully known to the recipient free of any restriction at the time it is obtained from the disclosing Party; (c) is subsequently disclosed to the recipient lawfully by a third party without imposing any restrictions whatsoever;(d) is or becomes public knowledge: or is developed independently by one Party without referring to Confidential Information belonging to the other Party.

    • A Party may disclose the Confidential Information of the other Party to the extent, but only to the extent, required by law, regulation, rule, act, order, or request of any court, governmental authority or agency, self-regulatory organization or exchange, including but not limited to any subpoena, civil investigative demand, or discovery request or demand, provided such Party gives the other Party (to the extent not prohibited from doing so) prompt written notice and cooperation in seeking to limit the disclosure to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the legal obligations of the Party required to disclose the Confidential Information, and in obtaining confidential treatment for such information, if available.

    • Riterz will not take any responsibilities or liability with regard to Customers actions and shall not be liable if Customer misuses any confidential information. It is Customer’s or its authorized users’ respectively responsibility to evaluate and decide which information is to be disclosed on the platform.  

    • Riterz shall properly store all records, drafts, correspondence, materials, samples, notes, plans and documents of any kind, as well as copies thereof relating to the provision of services under the Terms, and ensure that third parties cannot inspect them. They shall remain the property of the Customer and must be released immediately and unsolicited and in full upon termination of the Services.

  • Limited Warranty

    • Riterz warrants that the version of the Platform made available on the Website will perform as available and in all material aspects in conformance with the service Documentation or as specified on the Website. At any time during Customer’s access and use of the Platform, this warranty refers to the then-current version of the Platform made available on the Website.

    • In the event of a breach of the warranty pursuant to Section ‎N.‎61, Customer’ sole remedy shall be to request Riterz to on a best effort basis remove identified errors which are documented by Customer in a manner that allows Riterz support team to adequately reproduce such error. Customer may contact the helpdesk at [support@Riterz.io] to report any errors identified. In order to remove the error, Riterz may correct or replace the part of the Platform that causes the failure or replace the current version of the Platform with a new version.

    • Riterz warrants that it has the right to grant the Right of Use granted in these Terms, and that Customer shall have the right to access and use the Platform in accordance with these Terms. In the event of a breach of this warranty, Riterz’ sole obligation shall be, at Riterz’s choice, (i) to procure additional rights to grant the Right of Use to Customer, or (ii) to replace or modify the part of the Platform that causes the breach. If neither of the foregoing is a suitable means to allow Customer to continue to access and use the Platform, Riterz may terminate access immediately.

    • Riterz hereby represents, warrants and covenants to Customer that it will provide all the Services and facilitate Marketing Campaign as defined in the relevant Documentation in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all reasonable professional standards for such services.

    • Riterz hereby disclaims any warranties or representations in regard to any success of a Marketing Campaign, express, implied, or statutory, including, without limitation, warranties of quality, performance, and noninfringement. Riterz hereby disclaims any warranties or representations in regard to the use of third-party advertisement platforms.  

    • The preceding warranties (Sections ‎1 to ‎3) are the exclusive warranties that Riterz provides in relation to the Platform and its Services. These warranties shall become ineffective upon expiry of the Term for any reason. In relation to Customer’s use of the Platform, Riterz expressly excludes all other warranties, representations, guarantees and remedies of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. Riterz does not warrant uninterrupted or failure-free availability of the Platform, or that Riterz will remove all errors and malfunctions. In addition, Riterz disclaims any warranties of merchantability and fitness of the Platform for a particular purpose that is not in accordance with the purpose referred to in the service Documentation, on the Website, or in the Order Form, or any conditions of satisfactory quality or that the Platform meets Customer’s requirements or expectations. The foregoing exclusions and disclaimers shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

  • Limitation of Liability

    • Except for fraud, gross negligence and wilful misconduct, and to the extent not otherwise prohibited by law, Riterz’ entire liability for, or in connection, with the provision of the Platform and other services (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) is excluded. Riterz shall not bear any liability whatsoever resulting from Costumer’s acts, faults or omissions or those of a third party for which Riterz is not responsible or in case of Force Majeure. Moreover and except for fraud, gross negligence and wilful misconduct, and to the extent not otherwise prohibited by law, neither party shall bear any liability for indirect, special or consequential losses, punitive damages, loss of business or profit, revenue, anticipated savings, contracts, loss of or corruption to data, loss of use, loss of goodwill, interruption of business or claims of other parties against the other party or other similar pecuniary loss.

    • Solely Customers in their specific role as Sponsor or Organisation, as applicable, are responsible for their contributions and content (e.g., Marketing Campaign or quotations) made available to other Customers via the Platform. Riterz will not check or monitor the accuracy or completeness of Customer content or contributions and shall not be obligated to do so. None of the Customer’s content or contributions constitute a quotation, a solicitation of a quotation or a recommendation by Riterz to buy or sell services or products or enter into an agreement of any kind. Riterz disclaims all liability for damages or losses incurred by Customer in connection to Customer’s content or contributions or non-performance of Customer based on a contract concluded or facilitated through the Platform.  

  • Indemnification Customer and Provider

    • Customer agrees to diligently defend, and to hold harmless and indemnify Riterz from and against any and all liability, claims lawsuits, losses, demands, damages, costs and expenses, including without limitation attorney’s fees and costs (Losses), arising directly or indirectly from any breach of Customer’s obligations arising from these Terms, including but not limited to Section ‎C (Use Restrictions and Conduct).

  • Force Majeure

    • Neither party will be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations pursuant to these Terms (other than an obligation to pay money) if such delay or failure is due to Force Majeure.

    • If a delay or failure of either party to perform its obligations is caused or anticipated due to Force Majeure, the performance of either party’s obligations will be suspended.

  • Term and Termination

    • The Customer may amend or delete their profile at any time

    • The Customer may amend their profile at any time.  

    • The Customer may terminate the subscription at any time through the interface of the Platform or by directly contacting Riterz within (5) business days from the end of the customer’s monthly subscribed period.

    • When the Customer terminates its subscription, Riterz may erase all data, general, and Personal information ever provided, provided, or exchanged by the Customer after the termination becomes effective. It is Customers own responsibility to copy or download all relevant data before termination is effective.  

    • The account remains active for a period of 30 (thirty) days after the completion of the last Marketing Campaign. For Organisation, this means that they remain bound to their commitment to run the respective campaign and give access to the relevant third party platforms and must continue to fulfil the contract. After an Organisation has given notice, it will be blocked from accepting or booking new campaigns. Sponsors remains bound to the booked Marketing Campaign but cannot book new Marketing Campaign.  

    • Either Party may terminate the contractual relationship at any time and with immediate effect:

      • upon material and persistent breach of these Terms in such manner that the terminating party may not reasonably be expected to continue to be bound to the contractual relationship, provided however that the party in breach has failed to remedy such breach within a reasonable period of time after receipt of a written notice specifying the nature of the breach; a party may refrain from granting a reasonable period of time for remedy if and to the extent such breach from an objective point of view is not reasonably to be considered capable of remedy; or  

      • in the event of insolvency of the other party as well as the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings, a moratorium on debt enforcement or similar proceedings (including rejection thereof due to lack of assets) against the other party.

    • After the termination or completion of any open Marketing Campaign the right to use the Platform granted herein will terminate and Customer shall cease to use the Platform.  

    • In general, the Platform shall not be regarded as a Record Management Tool. 30 (thirty) days after termination Riterz may delete all Customer data.

    • All provisions of these Terms regarding indemnification, warranty, liability and limits thereon, and confidentiality and/or protection of proprietary rights and trade secrets shall survive the expiration or termination of the contractual relationship between Riterz and the Customer.

  • Miscellaneous

    • Riterz may change these Terms including the service Documentation at any time and will notify Customer accordingly in an appropriate manner. Customer’s continued use of the Platform means that Customer agrees to any such changes. Riterz will communicate any price changes to subscription fees at least 60 days in advance.

    • These Terms shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, whereby its conflicts of laws rules and international conventions, including but not limited to the provisions of the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), shall not apply to these Terms.

    • All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be resolved exclusively by the ordinary courts in Winterthur, Switzerland, without prejudice to Riterz’ right to bring such dispute before a court, which would otherwise have jurisdiction absent this provision.

    • The Parties’ failure to exercise, or delay in exercising any right, power or remedy in connection with these Terms shall not in any way constitute a waiver thereof. Any express waiver of any breach of these Terms shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach.

    • If one or more provisions of these Terms should be or become invalid or unenforceable, or should an unintended gap become evident in the implementation thereof, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Riterz and Customer shall replace the invalid or unenforceable provision or, respectively, fill the unintended gap with a legally valid and enforceable provision matching the economic purpose of the original provision as closely as possible.

    • Riterz and Customer are independent contractors and nothing in these Terms shall be construed as creating a joint venture, employment or agency relationship between Riterz and Customer.

    • Customer agrees that it shall not assign these Terms either in whole or in part to any third party without Riterz’ prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer may assign its rights or obligations hereunder in its entirety without consent of Riterz in the event of universal succession (for instance as a result of a merger or acquisition).

  • Definitions

    •  In this Terms, unless the contrary intention appears:  

      • “Affiliate” means any entity that directly or indirectly Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control with the subject entity. “Control” and its grammatical variants for the purpose of this definition means, (a) a general partnership or interest in a partnership, (b) the beneficial ownership of a majority of the outstanding equity entitled to vote for directors, or (c) the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such entity whether by contract or otherwise;  

      • “Applicable Privacy Laws” means (a) Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection; (b) EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679; and (c) any other applicable privacy or data protection laws;  

      • “Approved Subprocessors” means the approved subprocessors specified in the DPA;  

      • “Business Day” means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or any other day which is a public holiday in Immensee, Switzerland;  

      • “Costs” means the fees specified in the Key Terms or the Order Form, which may include Third Party Costs;  

      • “Customer” means the respective counter party in the respective role. A Customer might eighter register as an Organization or an  

      • “Customer Content” means any content and materials provided by Customer (or on Customer’s behalf) to Riterz to be included on the Marketing Campaign, Digital Platforms or to be included in any way as part of the Services, including the text, images, audio, illustrations, information, graphics, domain names, designs, logos, trademarks and any other Intellectual Property Rights owned by Customer and any modifications, adaptations and enhancements made to Customer Content;  

      • “Confidential Information” means any confidential or commercially sensitive information of a Party, including the Party’s personnel, policies or business strategies or any other information that at law would be considered confidential. The Confidential Information of Riterz includes the Software;  

      • “Covered Advertisements” means Social Advertisements and Search Advertisements;  

      • “Data Processing Amendment” or “DPA” means an agreement between a data controller (such as a company) and a data processor (such as a third-party service provider). It regulates any personal data processing conducted for business purposes under an agreement;

      • “Deliverables” means any custom developments (including custom developed software), custom material and/or custom deliverables that are created specifically for Customer in accordance with mutually agreed upon specifications under an Order Form;

      • “Digital Platforms” means the accounts that are held by Customer with third party websites and applications used by Riterz in the provision of the Services, as further specified on Ritzer’s Website and on the Platform;  

      • “Documentation” means any technical and functional documentation for the Services as made available by Riterz;  

      • “End Customer” means a customer of Customer for whose benefit Customer has used the Services;  

      • “Force Majeure” means a circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Parties which results in a Party being unable to observe or perform on time an obligation under the Terms, including:  

      • acts of God, lightning strikes, earthquakes, floods, storms, pandemics, explosions, fires and any natural disaster;  

      • power surge or failure, computer virus or any breakdown or malfunction of plant, machinery, server or equipment;  

      • acts of war, acts of public enemies, terrorism, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage, sabotage and revolution;  

      • strikes;

      • “VAT” means any Value Added Tax or any consumption tax imposed on the sale or supply of goods, services;  

      • “Intellectual Property Rights” means all present and future rights throughout the world conferred by statute, common law or equity in or in relation to inventions, discoveries, innovations, know how, technical information and data, prototypes, processes, improvements, patent rights, circuitry, drawings, plans, specifications, copyright, trade mark rights, design rights, plant variety rights and other results of intellectual activity in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic fields, whether or not registrable, registered, or patentable. These include all rights in all applications to register these rights, all renewals and extensions of these rights and all rights in the nature of these rights;  

      • A “Marketing Campaign” refers to a coordinated series of activities or actions aimed at promoting a particular product, service, or idea, conducted across various media channels, as mutually agreed upon by the involved parties and outlined in this agreement.

      • “Campaign Budget” means the agreed maximum amount that Riterz can spend on placing Covered Advertisements in a booked Marketing Campaign;

      • “Order Form” means an order form, statement of work or quote provided by Riterz to Customer for the provision of the Services;  

      • “Organisation” means a Customer that registered as an Organisation. An Organisation is a legal entity, usually in the form of an Association, Society, Foundation, Chamber, Federation, Not-For-Profitor other form of industry or member based organization, that makes its network and member base available for advertising campaigns.

      • “Parties” means Riterz and the Customer and Party means either one of them;

      • “Professional Services” means any integration, consulting, custom development, advertising, managed or similar services provided by Riterz to Customer, as further outlined in a Documentation or a Statement of Work;  

      • “Schedules” means a schedules to this Terms;  

      • “Search Advertisements” means any advertisements placed on internet search engines, including Google AdWords;  

      • “Services” means the services to be supplied by Riterz to Customer, as specified in the Documentation and or on the Website, in an Order Form or otherwise agreed between the parties in writing. The Services may include Platform, Professional Services and Support Services;  

      • “Social Advertisements” means any advertisements on Digital Platforms, including advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn;  

      • “Software” means the proprietary technology owned or licensed by Riterz comprising the technology platform for ads campaign creation, update, deletion and campaign performance reporting for the chosen Digital Platforms, any API access to API end points to access data within such technology platform, any algorithm and any performance data derived from provision of the Services;  

      • “Sponsor” means a Customer that has registered to an Organisation on the Platform for the purpose of adervtising on the media network of an Organisation..

      • “Subprocessor” means any person (including any third party but excluding an employee of Riterz) appointed by or on behalf of Riterz to Process Personal Data on behalf of any Client;  

      • “Platform” means the cloud-based technology platform services supplied by Riterz, further described in Section ‎B;  

      • “Support Services” means the support services specified in Section ‎G or in a specific Support Schedule;  

      • “Term” means that period beginning on the Commencement Date and ending on the End Date and includes any Further Term or renewal under Section ‎R;  

      • “Third Party Agreement” means an agreement between Riterz and a third party whereby the third party has granted to Riterz the right to sub-licence or resell a Service provided to Customer;  

      • “Third Party Costs” means any costs and expenses payable by Riterz to third parties in relation to a Third Party Agreement, as set out in the Documentation or an Schedule; and  

      • “User” means an individual person who is registered by Customer to use the Subscription Service.

      • “Website” means any website or web application of Riterz’s that is accessible through the World Wide Web.

      Version: July, 3, 2024.